Neuropathy and other Neuromuscular Disorders


Neuromuscular Disorders

when a sensory nerve is not working, you sense what is going on incorrectly (tingling, for instance), or not at all (numbness, the absence of sensation).

When a motor nerve to a part of your body is not working right, that part moves weekly, or not at all.

Disorders of nerves, muscles and synapses have overlapping symptoms… “Neuromuscular” has emerged as a term to characterize these 3 interrelated biological systems.

Neuropathy is a disorder of one or many of the nerves (short for “peripheral nerves”) in the body.

Nerves and muscles are partners in the intricate dance of human movement. Although muscles themselves are not part of the nervous system,   diagnosis and treatment of muscle disorders falls within the province of neurology because of muscles’ intimate association with nerves.  There are also complicated structures connecting the ends of nerves to muscles, and connecting nerves to each other, called synapses.  There are disorders that can be traced to specifically to dysfunction of synapses.  In general, disorders of nerves, muscles and synapses have overlapping symptoms.  Because of these symptomatic similarities, and because of the similarities of the diagnostic investigations useful to identify each of these types of disorder, “neuromuscular” has emerged as a term to categorize them. The first task of a neurologist who is presented with such symptoms that suggest a neuromuscluar disorder is distinguish whether symptoms  are due to disorder of nerve, muscle or synapse.  

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